Honeybees, which pollinate more than one-third of the human food supply, are under significant threat from colony collapse disorder (CCD), which could have devastating consequences if solutions aren’t found to reverse it.
Biology professor Dr. Mark Schlueter, who has been studying bees since 2010, has created a new course at GGC that will give 10 students the opportunity to perform real-world bee research over the summer that will be vital to helping find those solutions.
Learn more: https://www.ggc.edu/.../news/News/the-blueberry-bee-solution
Source: https://www.facebook.com/georgiagwinnett/posts/pfbid0WVKC7W3GnkAHApJjgZSEN6hkdR1BTKxvz4Fp26WdHxcwEBEcM6emhyLYUtMWZigKl